Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The purpose of this site is to counter the misinformation regularly propagated by corporations, politicians and the mainstream media. This work is the collaboration of a group of citizens concerned about the pervasive nature of dishonesty and corruption in our society, especially in the media. This is being done using a combination of original source documents, videos, Europe’s socialist newspapers(e.g., The Guardian), and the New York Times. The mainstream media's(MSM) increasing misinformation, distortions, and outright lies will be countered by bypassing the mainstream MSM and delivering information directly to the public. This will done by using social media (e.g. Facebook, G +, forums, & internet sites), and hand delivered flyers. There is universal consensus that Facebook made Egypt’s bloodless revolution possible. Facebook was essential to the instantaneous communication, collaboration, planning, and synchronization of public protests in Egypt. Social networking, collaboration tools, and online discussion group tools based on cloud technology can provide a powerful counterweight to the lies and corruption in the government and crony capitalists who fund politicians’ campaigns and whose businesses get repaid with taxpayers money, thereby not having to compete in the marketplace. It makes all citizens activists and takes motivated citizens to the next level, with synchronized connection to all devices, and can be summed up as collaboration in the cloud. The public will be given concrete examples and proof of the extreme ideology and dishonest nature of “experts” in such “professions” as journalism, economists, and politics.  

An example of the need for an unbiased media is the dishonest caricature of Mitt Romney - that went on unreported by Obama’s campaign at the behest of Obama included falsely blaming Mitt for the death of a woman, not paying his taxes for ten years, having tax rates lower than a secretaries(14%), being cold, and lacking sympathy for  human beings. This tack was essential for Obama in light of the striking contrast between Obama and Mitt Romney. While stooping to the levels of crooked chicago politicians Obama sat in church listening - and learning - from twenty years of “Reverend” Wright’s preaching about evil whites spreading AIDS to blacks and the “USAofKKK”, Obama orchestrated a campaign of hatred and character assassination against Mitt Romney. Romney on the other hand pointed out the devastating results to the nation of having a glib neighborhood organizer whose grades were so poor that he was only accepted into Harvard through their affirmative action program. Obama’s acceptance into Harvard through their affirmative action program has been reported on at least two occasions by Bill O’Reilly, a graduate of Harvard himself. Of course, when liberals claimed that President Bush had poor grades, he was incessantly hounded by the MSM until he made his grades public.On the other hand, the MSM scoffed when Mr. Trump offered to donate five million to the charity of Obama's choice if he would open his school grades to the public and reporters in an attempt to do reporters jobs for them.

Incidentally, it was Bill Clinton who is mainly responsible for Mitt Romney’s low tax rate. Clinton signed into law the largest cut in capital gains taxes made by any president. He cut maximum capital gains taxes from 28% to 20% with a subsequent dramatic increase in government revenues. Bush then followed suit and lowered it another 5% to 15% with another subsequent dramatic increase in government revenues. No one deceives themselves into believing that without a medical degree they can understand the complexities of the human body but  overnight many people deceive themselves into believing they understand economics and the reasoning behind the tax code which can be quite complex and counter-intuitive. Many retirees that invest their savings in stocks pay less than 15% in taxes. That’s what retires do with their savings, they invest it. That’s what Romney did when he retired but Obama and the MSM portrayed Mitt as an evil, greedy rich white man.

In spite of Trump’s offer to provide five million dollars to the charity of Obama’s choice if he agreed to allow reporters access to his school records, Obama’s refusal speaks volumes about his scholastic records. Obama could have easily doubled the amount by calling Trump’s “bluff” by agreeing to open his records for $10,000,000. Two hundred talented black entrepreneurs, for example, could have been provided $25,000 grants each to start up small businesses with the potential of ultimately providing work to thousands of blacks in black communities. Or the $10,000,000 could have been provided to black scholarship funds to provide assistance to thousands of blacks struggling through college. 

Furthermore, the liberal media would have written ad nauseum about Obama’s wonderful, compassionate, selflessness. It would have been a win-win for both Obama and the hundreds or thousands of struggling black students. That is, unless Bill O’Reilly has been reporting the truth! The difference between Obama’s low grades (in Bakke vs Univ of Calif in the late ‘70’s, Bakke, who had graduated with a 3.51, was an ex-marine, NASA engineer, and National Merit scholar who scored in the top 3% of his college admissions test yet was repeatedly passed over by numerous medical schools while blacks with 2.2 and 2.3 grades were allowed into Medical school) and Mitt’s graduating at the top of a dual degree program at Harvard is in glaring contrast to the poor grades of the glib neighborhood organizer. Graduating Summa Cum Laude at the very top of his Masters in Business Administration degree program and Magna Cum Laude in his Doctorate of Law degree is rare indeed and in contrast to the abysmally poor grades of the neighborhood organizer.  

Visit Wikipedia and read about Mitt Romney’s work at Bain & Company prior to starting up Bain Capital. Learn how, after being appointed CEO of Bain Capital, Mitt was asked to return to Bain and Company(which was in serious trouble) as CEO to restructure the failing company’s operations. After helping turn Bain and Company around, Mitt returned to Bain Capital for a short period and then answered his country’s call to rescue the ailing olympics which was deep in the red and mired in scandal. As he had done at Bain & Company, Mitt turned the olympics around and placed it back in the black by transforming its $250 billion debt into a $60,000 profit. Meanwhile, after Mitt turned around Bain & Company, it went on to become - and still is - the top business consulting organization on the globe. Bain and Company has offices in 48 cities located in 31 countries. Bain & Company was also voted the best firm to work for by Consulting Magazine for ten years. The same young man that did not miss a single one of the 2400 questions on his SAT college test, next took those talents to Massachusetts where, as governor, he changed a projected debt of approx 4 billion into an average surplus of 650 million dollars each of his last two years. And, at the same time, he provided healthcare to the citizens of Massachusetts while erasing a four billion debt. Now he wants to do the same for a country desperately in need of becoming his employer. As he has stated on a number of occasions, his first responsibility was to his investors. He made them extremely wealthy, now he wants to take on an even bigger challenge and do the same for the United States as he did for Bain & Company, Bain Capital, the Olympics, and Massachusetts.

Further insight into the contrast between Mitt Romney and Obama is clearly illustrated by the Notable Names Database(NNDB). The NNDB is a database of the most notable businessmen, politicians, and celebrities in the United States. Entering Mitt’s name brings up 52 pages, all but one filled with mostly industry leaders, a few lawyers, and philanthropists. Entering Obama’s name, on the other hand, only brings up 20 pages, the first 13 pages being  composed of celebrities. It’s not until the 14th page that the name of politicians and a few businessmen show up. Having access to the most talented business consultants and industrialists in the world is an indispensable asset and bodes well for the United States if Mitt is elected.

Stiglitz, winner of the Nobel prize in Economics delivered a strongly worded warning to Obama but it fell on deaf ears:

Stiglitz has advised American president Barack Obama, but has also been sharply critical of the Obama Administration's financial-industry rescue plan. Stiglitz said that whoever designed the Obama administration's bank rescue plan is "either in the pocket of the banks or they’re incompetent."

Although a consummate liar, on occasion, Clinton has been known to tell the truth: YouTube  Clinton: Romney's "Sterling Business Career" Makes Him Qualified

Liberals admiration for the socialist countries of Europe is puzzling. The European Union is collapsing with increasing numbers of European countries unable to pay their debt. In the last year Portugal, Greece and Spain’s debt rose so rapidly that that their prime lending rates rose to 7%. This, in turn, has has led to power shifts in the PIIGS(Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece} and France. Their citizens have repeatedly taken to the streets, protesting austerity measures the socialist countries have been forced to take. Google [Europe collapsing] and you will receive millions of hits and insight into why the United States has land rovers investigating several planets and dozens of probes traveling through the universe while hundreds of other countries on the globe have none except for china's single rover on the moon.

Neill Ferguson[recognized in 2004 by Time magazine as  100 of the most influential persons in the world] wrote an article several years ago about Europe which is prophetic and interesting as European countries continue to collapse http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/08/weekinreview/the-world-why-america-outpaces-europe-clue-the-god-factor.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm

A recent survey in a blog ranked number one in the U.S. by economists http://econjwatch.org/articles/economics-professors-favorite-economic-thinkers-journals-and-blogs-along-with-party-and-policy-views ranked Nobel prize winner Milton Friedman the 2nd greatest economist of the last hundred years. In an interview of available on YouTube (over six hundred videos of Friedman’s talks and debates with students throughout U.S. universities are available), Feldman, arguably, history’s most brilliant economist, responded in an interview to a question about Bill Clinton, by stating “… well look, do you need to ask that question now after six years of Clinton, how he’s been able to get one flim flam game after another, how he’s been able to bamboozle the people into thinking that he deserves higher ratings because he lies. Clinton is a superb politician who has the most extraordinary capacity to exude sincerity. He’s an incredible phenomenon. I think he is a genius” (Go to Youtube, enter [Milton Friedman vs Bill Clinton(1999)] fast forward to 8 minutes 37 seconds and enjoy.
Milton Friedman vs Bill Clinton (1999) - YouTube

Next, go to YouTube and enter [Erskine Bowles Paul Ryan] to watch Erskine Bowles, selected by Obama as the democratic co-chairman of the commission to deal with the fiscal crisis, lavish praise on Ryan for his honesty, decency, knowledge, and go on to state that Ryan’s knowledge of the economy and the budget runs rings around his own. Erskine was chancellor of the North Carolina University system of Universities(president of the presidents). He then served as head of the U.S. Department of Small Business. Next, he served as Clinton’s Chief of Staff. Following which he was hand-picked by Obama to help solve the fiscal debt crisis by heading the commission to solve the fiscal crisis. He went on to point out that Obama refused to implement any part of the commission's plan(Simpson- Bowles plan) and stated that what Obama ended up presenting to congress was laughable and was rejected by a vote of 99 to 0, no one in the senate, republican or democrat, voted for the “budget proposal” turned in by the neighborhood organizer with poor grades (another powerful argument against affirmative action).  Next, go to YouTube and enter [Paul Ryan Takes Apart Obama in 6 minutes]. The head of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Government spoke highly of Paul Ryan and the Bowles Simpson Commission as a good interim step but felt a  Paul Ryan Plus plan would also deal with the nation’s  enormous - and growing - health care costs: http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/307193-3. The importance of the bipartisan committee is highlighted by the fact that Peter Peterson - one of those greedy white billionaires - has spent half a billion dollars in an effort to avert the impending collapse of the U.S. economy on a scale presently being experienced by the socialist nations of Europe. Unlike, George Soros, Peter Peterson has no selfish agenda and is simply trying to save the United States from turning into a socialistic state controlled by Soros’ Tides Foundation. For a 3-D overview of soros’ vast socialist network in the U.S. and their interconnections go to www.NNDB.com or  www.discoverthenetworks.org.

A European magazine, the Economist, published a study of the 25 people most responsible for the fiscal crisis at
http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2009/jan/26/road-ruin-recession-individuals-economy . Bill Clinton was ranked as the politician most responsible. But Clinton accepts no blame and claims that he would have seen the crisis coming if he were in President Bush’s place. Yet, the MSM has the unmitigated audacity to repeatedly roll Clinton out as a paragon of economic genius to remind Americans the mess the republicans made of this country. This is the same Clinton that had highway patrolmen cover for him while he humped women all over the state of Arkansas(while Hillary covered for him to the point of having her brother come down to keep an eye on Bill, not because of jealousy but rather to avoid political damage], and, also, the same Clinton that had four women accuse him of raping them. And the same Clinton that looked straight into the camera, wagged his finger while stating “ I never had sex with that women” and the same Clinton that while testifying behind closed door stated in his defense that whether he lied depended on the meaning of the word “is.” And this was also the very same Clinton that was impeached for lying under oath. Slippery Bill is best described by Milton Friedman on YouTube at  Milton Friedman vs Bill Clinton (1999) - YouTube as a charlatan even before he signed legislation(Glass-Seagal Act) that led to the fiscal crisis and the devastation suffered by hundreds of millions of Americans.

http://www.discoverthenetworks.org is the only site that provides a stunning visual 3D dynamic picture of approximately 1300 of the most prominent communists, marxist, and liberals in the U.S and shows at a glance their interconnections and relations. The site is a stunning accomplishment by David Horowitz, one of the major radical figures of the '60s and publisher of Ramparts magazine which strongly influenced 60’s radicals. David Horowitz was the son of communists and an avowed communist himself. Dave’s site contains extensive data on influential marxists, communists, and socialists in the United States. Dave uses his insight into the organizations and motivations of U.S. communists to run several major activist organizations that monitor, identify, track, expose, and counter socialist, communist, marxist, and terrorist organizations. Students for Academic Freedom is focused on radical teachers at U.S. college campuses. The organization’s network includes student volunteers who expose teachers pushing radical agendas by secretly recording classroom lectures of teachers. It’s been said that after the fall of Russia in 1991, the only remaining marxists in the world are teaching on U.S. University campuses. But marxist propaganda has been throttled by paranoid marxist teachers wary of Horowitz’s minions walking the hallways of academia. The site has extensive information on Obama not found on any other site.

In spite of Obama’s admission to Bill O’Reilly that the Surge(headed by General Petraeus) was highly successful, he refused to give General Petraeus what he felt was required to repeat the success he had in turning around Iraq in Afghanistan. General Petraeus requested 40,000 men but was given thirty-thousand and Obama did not give General Petraeus the two full fighting seasons he felt he needed(April 15 to Nov 15) to leave a stable Afghanistan securely in the Afghan forces control. The below link cites a New York times article stating that rather than allowing U.S. forces to fight up to November 15th, Obama brought them home two months early in September in order to help his political campaign.

Vice-president Biden garnered less than one percent of the vote when he previously ran for the presidency because his opponent pointed out that Biden repeatedly plagiarized other politicians work and had also been penalized for plagiarizing in college. Yet, Obama listened to the counsel of Biden and Hillary Clinton(who failed her bar exam, falling in the bottom third of exam takers) without asking the counsel of his generals, particularly General Petraeus, when he made his decision about the surge. Thats why military officers contempt for the glib neighborhood organizer, culminated in a highly respected Special Operations general, who directed the special operations group credited with tracking down and destroying Al-Qaida in Iraq, to be fired by the neighborhood organizer, and have little use for a political opportunist who plays politics with the lives of the military and particularly the Afghani women who face a return to life under Sharia law under the Taliban. For insight into what the future of 2014 holds for woman, check out all the women without noses and ears on YouTube http://www.aei-ideas.org/2012/05/white-house-obama-hated-afghan-surge-troop-drawdown-timed-for-november-elections/

Obama’s deputy chief of staff once more appeared on a talk show arguing that Mitt Romney could not provide a 20% tax cut to all Americans because there were not enough tax loopholes among the rich to cover the 20% tax cut but she apparently wasn’t aware that the host, Erin Burnett, a petite, attractive  young lady has a reputation for suffering no fools in spite of her appearance. In fact, only weeks earlier, Erin, also a war correspondent, had traveled to Africa to speak to a member of Al Qaida that had spread from Libya into Mali. He refused to speak to a woman and she instead spoke to a Mali reporter whose identity was concealed. The reporter described the suffocating Sharia law that had spread to Mali after the fall of Libya. Apparently, once the Libyan Jihadists overthrew Kadaffi's regime, they spread throughout Africa, including Syria.

Anyway, CNN’s Erin Burnett would have none of Cutter’s nonsense and proceeded to correct the deputy chief of staff of Obama’s campaign who attempted to peddle Erin the usual liberal talking points. The video ends with Cutter conceding or "stipulating" that the tax loopholes would cover all but 1 trillion needed to pay for the tax cuts. Of course, considering Cutter’s concession, the truth is that the full 5 trillion will be provided by deductions to the wealthy to cover the 20% tax cuts promised to all Americans.

Obama took Romney’s war on women to another level by claiming that he signed the Lilly Ledbetter law because it gave women the right to equal pay and that she had filed discrimination claims against her employer as soon as she found out she was discriminated against. Ledbetter lied on both counts. First, women won the right to equal pay with the passage of the Equal Pay Act in 1963 and passage of the Civil Rights Act passed in 1964. Ledbetter, a liberal activist, traveled the country for the Obama campaign and during her lying tour, she repeated the lie that she filed a discrimination claim as soon as she found out she was being discriminated against. Actually, in fact, Ledbetter’s case was rejected by all the lower and higher court judges, male and female, because she actually waited 20 years as she had sworn in her pretrial depositions - in contrast to her public proclamations. Ledbetter was exposed by a prominent female D.C. attorney writing in the WSJ.

Furthermore, Megan McArdle a special correspondent for far the left Newsweek magazine and far left Daily Beast, and who also had served as senior editor of the Atlantic and writer for the Economist wrote a number of  critical articles about the Fact Checking phenomenon. She had lost patience with newspapers resorting to peddling their far left ideological views through the guise of Fact Checking. She stated reporters continue to “fact check” 100’s of subjects that they generally don’t cover by surfing blogs on the internet. Her latest complaint involved the lies being propagated by Ledbetter and Obama around the country to curry women’s votes. Virtually all the fact checkers had it wrong, and had no clue about the court case and had not checked Ledbetter’s depositions which contradicted her public statements. Most MSM reporters are too busy crunching out articles to be informed about complex issues and use fact checking to add credibility to the ideological lies and distortions they publish as "news." .

One thing that liberals and journalist have trouble spinning is that Obama, the UN Ambassador, and members of his staff stated repeatedly to the public that the incident in Benghazi was caused by a movie. Which contradicts Obama's lie that he had informed the public in the Rose Garden. The president claims he does not wish to speculate until the facts are in - after the election! Yet, when the attorney general was being investigated about the Fast & Furious fiasco, Obama, Mr. transparency and I-want-to-get-the facts, used executive privilege to block the Fast & Furious investigation. Actually, the obfuscation is useless. The following facts should be sufficient for voters to form an opinion:  
1.  The intelligence trove discovered in Iraq and known as Sinjar included a computer with a complete database of the fighters flying into a Syria airbase and crossing into Northern Iraq to kill Americans. The statistics showed that the Libyans had the highest, per capita, number of troops pouring into Iraq to kill infidel Americans, furthermore, they provided the highest percentage of suicide bombers(just over 86%), finally, one of the two cities with the highest concentration of suicide bombers was Benghazi.
2. During the summer, after over two hundred violent incidents and repeated requests for more security, the security teams in Benghazi were removed from Benghazi not increased.

3. Including over two hundred incidents, there was an attempted assassination of the British ambassador. Following the attempt, the British staff and the Red Cross cleared out of Benghazi.

4. General Petraeus as head of the CIA, briefed Hillary Clinton about the beehive of Jihadists that had poured out of Libya into Iraq to kill American infidels, and Benghazi in particular, throughout the Iraq war.

5. So, knowing that Benghazi arguably the most dangerous city on the entire planet, and swarming with jihadists who had the taste of fresh blood on their lips, Hillary:

A. Refused to provide additional security.
B. Withdrew what little security there was.
C. Left her ambassador to die defenselessly
     in the world’s deadliest city and had not           
     ordered contingency plans to rush in to 
save the ambassador when the attack came.
D. Then, during the attack the Navy SEALS were
     ordered to stand down and not to make any
     attempts to rescue the ambassador and his staff.
E. During his speech at the Democratic convention,
     the centerpiece of Obama’s speech was that
     peace was being brought to the Sudan and LIbya.
     Obama, and Hillary Clinton had a lot invested in 

normalizing Libya but in the end, a neighborhood 
organizer’s glib tongue does not get him very far in 
the real world and cost the lives of some of America's 
finest sons.         

Although repeated incessantly throughout the presidential campaign, Obama did not get us out of the war in Iraq as he endlessly claimed but rather Bush did as shown in the following link to a picture of the original document signed by Iraqi ambassador Crocker, committing the U.S. to leave Iraq by 2011. In fact, Obama attempted to keep several thousand troops in Iraq but he was ordered to clear all Americans out by the Iraqi Prime Minister.

The most aggravating aspects of this campaign is how people that come from a place of hate can deceive people so easily. Obama’s contempt for America is also matched by his contempt for the poor. While Obama and his wife were making close to $300,000 between 2000 and 2004, the Obama’s gave 1%, .5%, .4%, & 1.4% of their income to the poor. Only when Obama was running for the senate did the Obama's love for the poor overflow and they subsequently gave an astronomical 4.7%. Such is the cost of politics, if you’re going to go the easy route pretending to care for the poor by taking from the “rich”, then you have to pretend by giving to the poor. The following is a link to the pittance given by Obama and his “compassionate” wife. Apparently their love for the poor only extends to the very tips of their tongues and says something to practicing Christians about just how “religious” that pair is.

The Biden’s, are like the Obama’s and many hypocritical democratic politicians who take the shortcut to power and wealth. It’s much more difficult be a republican and compete in the workplace and then run for office by advocating for businesses and businessmen who compete in a very hostile world environment and provide the employment. They need relief from the overly burdensome regulations imposed by the federal government. So, being successful and rich, Romney and republicans were portrayed by Obama - and parroted by the MSM as cold, compassionless rich people. While love purportedly drips from the hearts of democrats like the Obama’s and the Bidens but when it comes to reaching into their own pocket, don’t ask “buddy, can you spare me a dime.” In my mind, there is nothing more loathsome or despicable than someone who accumulates wealth and power by taking from industrious people and giving it to those less willing compete in a highly competitive society. While believing in a progressive tax system with safety nets for handicapped and the destitute, I don’t believe in going down the socialist path taken by the failed European countries being bailed out by fellow socialist states who are on the verge of economic collapse themselves. With the election of the glib neighborhood organizer expect Europe’s socialist collapse to spread to a neighborhood near you as the socialization of America continues unimpeded.

The rich, cold-hearted republican Romneys gave just under 14 % of their income for the last twenty years. But it’s beyond me how people believe what they hear instead of harsh reality.

For a very depressing look into where close to a trillion of our stimulus money went, browse thru the book “Throw Them All Out.” Surf on over to Amazon, search for “Throw Them All Out”, Go to the top left window and enter Obama or some other term or a word such as windmill, solar energy, electric car, or the numbers 3, 4, 5 … to read about how Obama repaid his supporters with 100’s of trillions of taxpayers dollars in stimulus money handouts for contributing to Obama’s campaign. Try going to any book about Bush, Obama, Biden, Clinton, Cheney … and what you will see is that they all received 1 star or 5 star reviews, depending on whether you’re liberal or conservative. There is rarely any moderation in the reviews of political figures but “Throw Them All Out” is only the second political book on a political figure that I’ve seen in which both liberal and conservative reviewers gave a five star rating (Power to the People by Laura Ingraham being the other). Why, because Obama repaid his campaign supporters with 100’s of billions of taxpayers dollars. Possibly the most insidious threat to our nation’s well being is the political phenomenon known as crony capitalism. Supporters who knew nothing about the windmill business received $400 million dollars. An electric car builder received $800 million dollar grant while the company supplying the electric car manufacturer with batteries received a grant of $400 million. The same goes for over fifty other companies, and counting. The battery company went out of business and the electric car company has no second battery source and faces a bleak future. It’s unbelievably bleak, depressing reading that all Americans should read. Don’t have the time or interest? Take five minutes to read a few pages provided free, then read some of the furious, angry, helpless readers reviews. Obama has taken crony capitalism to new heights. He’s not even wasting our money, we have no money, the stimulus money thrown away was actually borrowed. The Chicago huckster dug us another 6 trillion into the debt hole. Furthermore, Obama dug us deeper into debt in four years than Bush did in eight years. Obama’s a godsend to companies that can’t compete in the marketplace and turn to politics to survive … and that’s your definition of crony capitalism.

During a meeting with Hannity, Bob Woodward spoke about Obama’s inability to function in the White House and his apparent dislike of the white people around him.  Two interviews with Hannity follows:


Economists use the deficit divided by the gross domestic product to gauge how much fiscal harm is being done to the country. For example, if you earn a hundred thousand dollars a year and go into debt for a $1,000, that’s a manageable ratio of 1/100, an amount that can reasonably be paid back, but what Obama has done is frightening as illustrated in the following video.

A MSM, free of ideological bias and distortions, is essential to a free, informed society. The fact is that